Hy-Grade Geoscience
Tel: 902.883-7415
Email: dcarter@hy-gradegeoscience.com
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Exploration & Environmental Geochemistry
Permitting & Environmental Services
Environmental Site Assessment
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Phase III Environmental Site Assessment
Site Remediation & Regulatory Compliance
Key Projects


Atlantic Canada's Environmental & Occupational Specialists

Hy-Grade Geoscience is a Canadian environmental and earth science consulting company based in Nova Scotia. The company was established to provide expert and technical consulting services specializing in geoscience, project management and project field supervision.

Hy-Grade Geoscience personnel undertake challenging projects which require the development of site specific and innovative solutions. We work as independent contractors/consultants and as team members. We have been involved in a wide range of projects, such as, industrial planning and expansion, pipeline surveys and construction, 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys, all aspects of exploration and development drilling, from planning, contract management to site supervision, logistics, waste management, regulatory compliance and reporting. We are well versed in the principles of Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) as well as the federal (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and provincial criteria (NSE Contaminated Sites Regulations) for assessment, management and remediation of contaminated sites in Atlantic Canada. We also have experience with provincial (NSE) and federal (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act) environmental impact assessment, cumulative effects assessment, consultation, review and permitting processes. The firm has successfully completed environmental permitting, assessment, remediation and compliance projects throughout Atlantic Canada and our project list includes a significant number of repeat clients.

Hy-Grade Geoscience provides a full range of key services to the petroleum, mineral fuels and mineral exploration industry. These support services can ensure that land negotiations, acquisitions and operations, including geophysical and geochemical surveys as well as drilling activities are conducted in compliance with current mineral and petroleum resource legislation as well as federal and provincial environmental regulations.

Hy-Grade Geoscience is also contracted by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Nova Scotia (APGNS; Geoscientists Nova Scotia) to provide professional services, on a part time basis, including the Executive Director and Registrar, the Administrative Assistant and the Registration Assistant.

Hy-Grade Geoscience is committed to undertaking and completing projects in a cost effective, timely and professional manner.

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